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Get Started (Free)constcoder={name:'Master Coder',skills:['React', 'Node'],hardWorker:true,problemSolver:true,hireable:function() {return(this.hardWorker&&this.problemSolver&&this.skills.length>=5);}}
I'm Mosh Hamedani.
Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed in your coding journey? Don't worry, I've got your back! Together, we'll work to level up your skills, increase your earning potential, and build a brighter future.
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Coding courses
Why Code with Mosh?
No fluff, just the good stuff!
I don't want to waste your time with boring stuff you don't need. So I've made sure my courses are clear, concise, to the point, and free of technical jargon. No rambling or repetition, just the essentials you need to succeed, explained in plain English.
Easy-to-follow lessons
I know learning to code can be tough. So I've carefully organized my courses into simple, bite-sized pieces to help you progress smoothly, one step at a time. I'll guide you through each step of the way so you won't feel overwhelmed.
Hands-on learning
I believe the best way to learn is by actually doing. That's why my courses teach you the essential theory and provide practical exercises. You'll be able to practice everything you learn and apply it to real-life situations.
Real-world projects
My courses are designed to prepare you for real-world jobs and interviews. With in-depth, comprehensive courses packed with real-world examples and exercises, you'll be ready to take on any challenge that comes your way.
Courses for everyone
Whether you're looking to learn a new language or just brushing up on your skills, I've got you covered. I offer a wide variety of courses so you can pick and choose what's most relevant to you. Plus, I make sure my courses are fun and engaging so you won't get bored.
Trusted by millions
I've taught millions of people how to code and become professional software engineers through my YouTube channel and online courses. I'm humbled and thrilled to be a part of their programming journeys! When you join us, you're joining a group of like-minded people who are all working towards the same goal.
Top-selling Courses
Level Up Your Coding Skills
Whether you're looking to switch to a career in tech or to advance in your current role, my courses give you the knowledge and experience you need to succeed.
Become the best coder you can be with unlimited access to all the existing and future courses
Sharpen your problem-solving skills with curated, real-world Python projects
Everything you need to program in Python in one course (includes 3 real-world projects)
A step-by-step guide to building web apps with React 18+ and TypeScript
Everything you need to build full-stack applications with Next.js 13+ (App Router) and TypeScript
Not sure where to start? Check out our learning paths.
What my students say
- 52 comprehensive courses
- 340 hours of HD video
- Downloadable content
- Hands-on exercises
- English captions
- Certificate of completion
- Access while subscribed
- Learn at your own pace
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